Welcome to the website of the KIDOMA association, based in St-Brévin (44), offering activities such as Tai Chi Chuan, sophrology, meditation, Afghan walking, and regenerative movements.
An action is effective when it is done at the right time, with the right intensity, and at the right distance with the partner.
The name of our association was not chosen by chance, and even though there is no exhaustive definition to define “KIDOMA”, the image of these three basic principles is an important axis of our practice.
Below, we offer some brief explanations:
The vital energy or life force, the deep principle of the unity of mind and body and unity with the universe. It is the fundamental element that connects the mind and body through breathing.
Means the moment linked to an event or occasion. It is the right moment to act, it is intensity.
It can be temporal or spatial, it is a space. It is acting at the right distance.
“The art of being just in the relationship”
The art of being just in the relationship, in a dimension understood as “the relationship with oneself, with others, and with the world”.
“The art of being just in the relationship” is based on an alliance with oneself. The name “KIDOMA” was chosen because it is related to the idea of trying to be fair to oneself and in the relationship with others. Body practice is the support to approach gentleness and flexibility in movement.
A positive look at oneself, accompanied by a practice of gentleness and slowness, acts on our tensions to modify what, over time, has become normal.